Marriage - The Mouse vs. The Elephant

mouse sitting next to an elephant

Recently in marriage counseling one of my clients told me she goes into “mouse mode” when the possibility of conflict arises with her husband.  

Mouse mode has a real feel to it - Her voice gets small and a look of pain wraps tightly around her face.  She sighs heavily, and the act of shrinking seems to drain her strength.  Going into mouse mode means that she must suppress her thoughts and emotions which can be exhausting.  The result is that a familiar fatigue is added to the anxiety she already feels in such interactions.  

As we explore this phenomena further it becomes apparent to all of us that mouse mode is unsustainable and the inevitable release that must come from regularly escaping into mouse mode looks a lot like the polar opposite - Elephant mode.

Elephant in the Room?

Elephant mode has a feel to it too.  We become big, animated and sometimes loud - speaking with force, urgency and often carelessness, embellishing our point because we need it to land with impact and force.  We can bombard our spouse in elephant mode because, well, we feel entitled to unleash what we’ve been holding in for so long.  We’ve been “taking one for the team” as my client put it, and now it’s my turn.  Problem is, we can trample people in Elephant mode, and these types of delicate conversations in a relationship call for some finesse.  The re-occurring fights in any relationship are critical to address.  Safety is required in such interactions.  If there is no safety there will be no productivity.    

Mouse vs. Elephant  

Mouse Mode:

  • Diminishes the humanity of the individual.  

  • Hurts the relationship by creating a one sided closed off individual that suffers in the relationship alone. (though the spouse usually can feel the distance) 

  • Resentment and bitterness ensue.

  • Blowups (Elephant Mode) must come eventually 

Elephant Mode:

  • We become bigger than reality in order to be heard but - it makes our spouse feel smaller

  • Can sometimes feel good because there’s a feeling of Finally letting it out!  This is deceiving because it really only feels right to the elephant.  (not your spouse)

  • Hurts the relationship by creating fear, and destroying openness.  Openness is one of the keys to a secure bond.

  • Makes your spouse feel as if they must also get bigger to match you or become a mouse to keep the peace.


When we feel safe in relationship there is no need to become more or less than we are; we can be ourselves and invite our spouse to do the same.  Safety allows us to listen patiently and share openly because we know there is acceptance of the person even if there is disagreement on the subject.  

How are you promoting safety for your spouse during difficult conversations?  We can expect struggle and disagreement in relationships.  We can either be alone in the difficulty and against each other or we can promote safety and be for each other especially when we disagree.  What better way to let your spouse know they are safe with you?  What better way to earn the right to be heard?

Marriage - Creating Good Vibes

Disappointment is the most dominant characteristic of a married relationship.
— John Bradshaw
woman on a man's back holding a flower and smiling

If this is true, we should expect disappointment in our relationships.  If we fail to plan for disappointment in marriage, the surprise of such disappointment can be enough to send a relationship into a downward spiral.  How does one balance this potentially cynical mindset and yet cultivate a healthy hope for a loving marriage?

Delayed Gratification

It can take an avocado tree anywhere from 5 to 13 years to begin to produce fruit.  Naturally, we don’t expect to water it once in the morning and see our first avocado in the afternoon.  If this were the expectation we would be let down regularly, and there would be no such thing as guacamole (my favorite)!  Relationships are no different.  The care we put in now will show itself later, sometimes much later.  Likewise, negativity will produce its fruit in due time.  

  Immediate Dissatisfaction


While nourishing a tree over time can eventually produce good fruit, poisoning that same tree will get you immediate results.  It will wither and die.  This is why creating a healthy marriage is difficult to do.  The love we put in can be absorbed - over time, but the toxicity we bring to a relationship is absorbed now! Not only is it immediate, but it can powerfully block love from being received.  To make matters worse, it’s quite common to have good intentions and yet poison the tree accidentally when we’re having an off day, or tired or “hangry."  

Creating a healthy marriage requires intentionality and effort.  This is because in marriage there is no middle ground.  You are either for your spouse or you are against them.  There is no, “I’ll wait and see if s/he is for me.”  You must decide to give nourishment (love) or you will decide to self protect (poison).

Positive Sentiment Override

Renowned marriage expert Dr. John Gottman talks about positive sentiment override.  His research suggests some good news.  We can create a healthy perspective of ourselves for our spouse by having at least 5 positive interactions to each negative interaction (5 to 1 ratio).  In doing so we can create a stable and happy relationship.  This means that the neutral or even negative comments we sometimes make can bounce off of our spouse because of the positive and healthy foundation we’ve established  for our relationship.  The bad news is that negative sentiment override is also a potential reality - the neutral comment can be absorbed as bad, if it lands on the toxic foundation we’ve established.  Our words are so important.  How we use them with one another will determine whether we produce a relationship that gives life or death.  

Josh Grover LMHC